Real Estate

The sale or purchase of real estate is a significant decision in everyone’s life. It is essential to agree on the contractual terms in a way that ensures security when transferring ownership of the property or transferring funds to the developer/seller’s account.

For its individual clients, the Law Firm offers legal services related to the acquisition of real estate from developers, including under the so-called developer agreement. We analyze the documents provided by the developer, including the information prospectus and their financial results, identify potential solutions to increase the buyer’s security, and support buyers during negotiations with the developer. The Law Firm’s assistance may also be useful after the property is acquired if physical defects covered by warranty under the Civil Code emerge.

We also advise property buyers who wish to purchase real estate outside the system defined in the so-called Developer Act (e.g., after the completion of the developer project or in secondary market transactions).

The Law Firm also provides services for individuals selling real estate. This is particularly important when the buyer has not paid the funds before the sale agreement or intends to finance the purchase with credit funds.

Selected Services (Scope)

Offer for Individual Clients

Comprehensive Case Analysis and Assistance in Decision-Making

Professionalism of the Services Provided

Response to the Issue and Monitoring the Progress of the Case

Obligation to Maintain and Protect Professional Confidentialit

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